Pandora is an American based sci-fi television series. The action series premiered on The CW network on 16th July 2019. Pandora was containing a total of 13...
Category - General
Find out all the news and updates on General category on NewsFlurry. Check out todays trending genral news.
The Walking Dead has been renewed for the final season. The eleventh season will be the last in the series. American horror television show renewed for the...
Newcastle United will take on Burney today, at St. James Park, Newcastle in the English Premier League tonight. This match will be on October 4rd at 12:30 AM...
TikToker Duke Depp, who has become famous for portraying the fictional character Willy Wonka played by Johnny Depp in one of his movies, became the latest...
Bigg Boss is the most controversial show in India which premieres on Colors. The 14th season of Bigg Boss ‘ab scene paltega’ will begin airing on...
It is very shocking that around 20,000 Amazon workers have been found to be Corona positive. Amazon said on Thursday that around 20,000 workers have been found...
The Umbrella Academy is an American sci-fi, superhero show. The television series is based on the book of the same name by Gabriel Ba and Gerald Way. Steve...
A Russian news editor Irina Slavina dies in front of an interior ministry office which is in the city of Nizhniy Novgorod. She dies after setting herself on...
Some information has been leaked about the Apple company’s iPhone 13. Let us know what other models are being launched by the Apple company? The...
3rd of October is the National Boyfriend Day. The day reflects the love of the couple and their relationship too. It is a question for the beloved how much you...