The FIR registered against them who indulged in the case of Hathras incident. As you know the incident happened on 14 September 2020. Moreover, the woman was just 19 years old who brutally Gang-raped and before dying, she accused four names. The four names who have been given by the woman, have been arrested by the police. She was raped brutally, the man cut off her tongue, Broken her Reed’s Bones so that she would be unable to take their name. Now the FIR against them who accused of Hathras case registered. Read the entire details through this article.
The case of Hathras woman is considered rape and murder. The woman also alleged that they had also tried to kill her at that time. But battling with the deep injuries she took the name of four rapists. She was also flattering because her tongue was cut off. Reports are revealing that the case against the murderer as well as rapists have been registered.
Hathras Case
CBI has urged for the registring the FIR which has been implemented under the section of murder. It is considered that it is attempted murder and gangrape of IPC which is apart from the SC/ST Act. Even also it has been said that the accused has tried to strangulate the complaint’s sister in the millet field that too on 14 September.
The 19-years-old Dalit woman had to admit to the Delhi’s Safdarjang Hospital where she took her last breath on 29 September 2020. The woman went to the farm for collecting cattle fodder. Then she surrounded by four men whose name are- Sandip, Ramu, Lavkush, and Ravi. They dragged her away by her dupatta. The four men also alleged to cut off her tongue. The woman paralyzed and reached her home in the worst condition. After the incident, all the people are opposed to criminals.
CBI Registers FIR Against Accused
The FIR against the accused who indulged, in this case, have registered, appealed by CBI. After the death of the victim, the dead body has been forcibly creamed by the cop. The woman’s brother stated that the police did not file the FIR against the murderer and rapists in the first 10 days. Also, the woman claimed four names who raped her and did her worst condition, she said these names with her flattered voice.
We heard that the CBI has removed the case from its own website so the future of this case isn’t out yet.
The woman died on the 29th of September 2020 and the incident happened on the 14th of September. She immediately admitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and hospital which is in Aligarh for 15 days before her demise.