The British drama series Cobra is based on Political drama. Ben Richards has written and created Cobra. The series first debuted on Sky One in February 2021. The series garnered a great viewership, around 2.2 million people watched it. The audience who has already watched the first season is eager to know about when the second season would arrive. We know this question is also doing rounds in your mind. Here we have collected every information about the second season of Cobra. To know, go through the entire post thoroughly.
Cobra Season 2 is coming?
Here we love to tell you that Cobra was renewed for season 2 in February 2020 when the first season was being premiered on the network. Hans Herbots and AI Mackay directed the first season while Ben Richards wrote all episodes alone. The series became the most-watched series on Sky One.
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As we told you it was a big hit and due to this PBS broadcast all the episodes for the US audience. The story talks about the British Prime Minister and his efforts of rebuilding system in the country after a larger Catastrophe.
Cobra Season 1 Released in the US?
In the United States, the first season of Cobra premiered on PBS network on 4th October 2020. While its first episode debuted on 17th January 2020 on the Sky One network in the United Kingdom. Robert Carlyle who played the role of Prime Minister Robert Sutherland confirmed about the renewing of the series.
He said “he is happy with the response of the audience and added that he is eagerly waiting for the second season of Cobra. He continued to say that he is delighted to portray the character of Robert Sutherland once again. Still, there is no announcement about the landing of the new outing of Cobra on Sky One.
If everything had been fine we would have been enjoying the second season this year. But the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the production and shooting. In response to it, you all will be able to enjoy the second season sometimes in 2021.
Cobra Cast
The first season was featuring Robert Carlyle, Victoria Hamilton, David Haig, Richard Dormer, Lucy, Edward Bennett, Marsha and many others. You may be excited to know who else will be reprising their roles. Let us tell you that Robert Carlyle himself confirmed that he would be reprising his role of Prime Minister Robert Sutherland.
Victoria Hamilton will be back as PM’s chief of staff Anna Marshall. Several actors are planning to make comeback. Reports suggest that Richard Dormer and David Haig are reprising their roles. Stay connected with us to get the latest updates from India and around the world.