The American crime drama series Dexter has been revived. As the audience is in the swim about its last episode which streamed in 2013 before 7 years. So, it is...
Category - General
Find out all the news and updates on General category on NewsFlurry. Check out todays trending genral news.
It is being reported from the news that only 22% of NRIs are voting for Trump because Trump is in support of Modi. As you all know, India-US relations have...
Joe Biden and Donald Trump will go head to head for the White House on 3 November, suggesting that Biden’s leadership in elections may be broad. Let us...
Everyone knows that elections will start in the US from November 3. This will be the presidential election, which will see the reaction of Donald Trump and Joe...
In the presidential race against Republican rival Donald Trump, Joe Biden gained $383 million in September breaking his own record. This will ensure that Biden...
Ali Fazal is one of the most talented stars of Bollywood. He has won several hearts with his mind-blowing acting skills. The actor has started his Hollywood...
US presidential election is only three weeks far. The battle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is still on which may end after 3rd November. The United States...
All the movie lovers, here we inform you all that your wait to watch the films in theatres in over. We know that most of you couldn’t wait for a long to...
In the latest Senate confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, US Senator Lindsay Graham charged Democrats of the unnecessity of Obamacare. In a statement...
After completing 434 days in jail, she has now been released. Yes, here we are talking about Mehbooba Mufti who is the former chief minister of Jammu-Kashmir...