The third Season of “Big Hero 6:The Series” debuted on September 21st. debuted on September 21st. The animated series proceeds with the experiences and fellowship of a long term old tech virtuoso Hiro, his caring, front line robot Baymax and their companions Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Go and Fred. They together make the group of Big Hero 6 and set out to shield their city from the attacks of technically advanced villains.
The cast of Big Hero 6: The Series include Ryan Potter as Hiro, Scott Adsit as Baymax , Jamie Chung as GoGo, Khary Payton as Wasabi , Genesis Rodriguez as Honey Lemon and Brooks Wheelan as Fred. Other characters returned to the third Season include Professor Granvile, Maya Rudolf as Aunt Cass, Jane Lynch as Supersonic Sue, Horatio Sanz as El Fuego, Andy Richter as Globby and Alan Tudyk as Krie.
Season 3 has already aired two episodes which was highly witty and entertaining. Now that we are heading for Episode 3, here is a quick look at the previous episode. Spoiler Alert! An episode 3 mapping is also provided.
What happened in Big Hero 6 Season 3 Episode 2?
Episode 2 consist of two halves, just like any other Big Hero 6 episodes. The first half of Episode 2 is “Mayor for a Day”. This is the 52nd episode of the series which premiered on September 28, 2020. In this , Fred is defeated by Mole and becomes the Mayor of the city for a day. Mole turns out to be ruthless. He takes advantage of his powers and antagonizes the Big Hero 6. However, Mole is kidnapped by Supersonics to kill Boss Awesome. In the fight that follows between Supersonics and the Big Hero 6, the former are defeated and they flee. Mole is released. Fred becomes Mayor for the day.
In the second half titled “The Dog Craze of Summer”, Hiro is assigned the duty to look after the dogs by Granville. However, things don’t go out as planned. One of the dogs, Fermi, runs away. He regrets not reading the handbook suggested by BayMax. He asks his friends to keep an eye on the other two Dogs, Curie and Oppenheimer, till he comes back. With the help of Baymax, he manages to bring back Fermi. He received payment from Granville but he had to share it with everyone including Steamer and Oppenhiemer.
Big Hero 6: The Series Season 3 Episode 3
The new episodes of the season will only have 11 minutes each in contrast to the 22 minutes in Season 1 and Season2. They are divided into two parts to fit into the 30 minutes slot. The first half of the third Episode is named Trading Chips which will be October 5:2020. In this, Hiro switches Baymax’s chip with Mini Max’s so that Baymax can help Mochi.
Alongside this, the second segment will also be streamed. It is named Mini Noodle Burger Max. In this, A low-charged Byamax and Mini-Max forms a team with Noodle Burger Boy to save the Big Hero 6.
Big Hero 6 Season 3 Episode 3 Release Date
As mentioned earlier, the third episode of Season 3 Big Hero 6 will premiere on October 5, 2020 on Disney XD at 7:30 pm ET. The audience can also watch the full season on the official website of Disney Now. They can also be watched on a number of TV channels: Directv, Fubo TV and Sling TV. Hulu+ and Live TV also host the series. Subscribers of Amazon Prime video can watch the entire episodes on Amazon Prime Video.