Pandora is an American based sci-fi television series. The action series premiered on The CW network on 16th July 2019. Pandora was containing a total of 13 episodes in the first season. The first season ended successfully before a year ago. Since the day, the audience began asking about the second season of it. We know that makers can’t disappoint the audience and began renewing it on 16th October 2019 for the second season. Finally, the wait of the audience has come to an end. The CW network will premiere the much-anticipated series on 4th October 2020. The date for three episodes has been released which are set for 4th, 11th and 18th October.
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Brett Simmons will be directing the initial two episodes while Chris LeDoux would direct the third one. The first episode has been titled Things Have Changed. Mark A Altman would write first two episodes while Steve Kriozere has taken the responsibility for the third episode.
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Till now, we just have information about starting three episodes but we promise that you will be updated about further episodes very soon. The audience praised the first episode of Pandora but critics don’t feel quite happy with the series. They said there was no character whom they could love. The show received disappointment from the critics but not this time. We hope the makers are leaving no stone unturned to impress the audience and as well as critics. However, the show garnered a good response from the audience.
The first season was starring Priscilla Quintana in the titular role of Jacqueline aka Pandora, Olive Dench as Xander Duvall. You have also seen Raechelle Banno, John Harlan Kim, Ben Radcliffe, Banita Sandhu, Martin Bobb-Semple, Noah Huntley and others.
You must be excited to know, who else are returning to reprise their roles? and which new member would be marking the entry in Pandora season 2. Here we have collected the names of confirmed cast members.
Priscilla Quintana will be returning to play Jacqueline ‘Jax’ Zhou. In 2019, at New York Comic-con, she said that she would love to see growth in Jax’s LGBTQ relationship in the next season. Oliver Dench will reprise his role of Xander Duvall. Ben Radcliffe would be back to play Ralen in the second season. Tina Casciani will come to play Tierney along with many other new stars.
The second season of Pandora will start premiering on The CW network from today, 4th October. Before watching the series we recommend you to hold your heart as the amazing characters of the series are coming to steal your heart. Stay connected and don’t forget to enjoy the sci-fi series, hope you will enjoy.